Reef Surveys
In January 2018 the Strandloper Project initiated a reef cleanup dive at Gericke's point to remove snagged fishing tackle. After the first dive it became apparent that the rate of recreational fishing tackle getting snagged on the reef should be monitored on an ongoing basis to determine the impact that the lost fishing gear had on the reef and the marine fauna and flora.
We extended our reef surveys to the include a site in the Knysna Heads and in the Swartveli Estuary. Each site has a fixed distance which we survey for snagged fishing tackle

Ghost Fishing
During our surveys we encountered incidents of ghost fishing, and by January 2022 have documented 11 species of fish killed in this manner. While ghost fishing is well documented in commercial fishing practices, there has almost no research on ghost fishing caused by snagged recreational fishing tackle and we believe more research is required in this field.

BRUV Surveys
The proliferation of compact waterproof sports cameras and opened up the study of fish populations on reefs by deploying cameras as BRUV stations. BRUV's are Baited Remote Underwater Video surveys and offer an insight into the marine fauna dynamics on the reef which can be analyzed seasonally and over long term periods.

Fixed Point Photography
Fixed Point Photography is a valuable research tool to measure the transformation of a habitat over time. Strandloper Project has used this technique to demonstrate dramatic changes of reef growth since the second half of 2014. We will continue to monitor reef composition using this method and are continually expanding our sites through out the Garden Route.

Baseline Data
The process of climate change and the impact of human activities drives a process of habitat transformation both in terrestrial and marine habitats. Through our combined BRUV, Fixed Point Photography and reef surveys, the Strandloper Project is compiling a baseline data base that will provide insight into the rate of change of reef communities in the Garden Route
Citizen Science
Through a enthusiastic base of volunteers, Strandloper Project has been able to document some valuable reef information, and while we have revealed some insights into the impact of recreational fishing and climate change on marine biodiversity and productivity, our research has revealed many more aspects that require further research. The next phase of our research will require more sophisticated equipment. Strandloper project has be fortunate that local businesses and supporters have sponsored and donated towards our research and we look forward to continued support for our future research and conservation efforts.